The thing I realize about myself is that I am deeply committed to never quitting. I love finding how best I can help not only myself but other people as well. Over the years that has been the driving force and passion in so many aspects of my life. I always thought that I wasn't comfortable in crowds and I wasn't, I believed I was much better in a one on one situation and I can only help people one person at a time.
My recent experiences have taught me that I do help people one person at a time but that doesn't mean that I can't send my message out into the world and help as many people are interested in hearing it for instance; yesterday for the first time I actually posted on Instagram. I realized this is not as confronting as I thought it would be, I also realized I don't have to have it all figured I just need to know how to take one day at a time and one step at a time and rejoice in the ability to do it not just think about it.
I also realized I don't need to be perfect, or have it all figured out before I can be out in the world and helping my people.
That’s you if you are still reading and can relate.
I know when I was in the worst place in my head and in my life caught between my kids my career my husband and my mother-in-law my mom all of us living in this melting pot of what I call my sandwich house it got to the point where I couldn't even find the help I needed for myself and I realized I am not going to get out of this situation without some kind of trauma or drama happening that completely shifts the fibre of my life.
I actively started looking for help and finally found the help that resonated with me at the Life Coach School and Self Coaching Scholars. Here I learned to deal with that it's really just knowing and being aware of everything that is happening in your life is just a neutral fact and the way that you think about it on much more conscious level and being aware of the number of times that bringing my conscious mind into the forefront as opposed to just reacting in an old habitual familiar ways of experiencing my life, day, world. This new awareness of what and how I was habitually thinking and how it affected how I felt, acted and the results is got was the first step in opening myself up to change.
I know I can help anyone who is willing to take the time with me to experience a new level of awareness and how you can learn to change your own outcomes in your life. To find out if this is for you book a consultation with me now.